How Does the New World Tennis Number (WTN) Affect Junior Players & Parents?

It doesn’t.

Not one bit.

At least it shouldn’t if you approach this the healthy way.

The WTN is an absolute waste of time and energy for a junior tennis player or parent to research. Just like researching how many games a player needs to win in order to get their UTR up is a waste of time..

WTN is just another ranking. I was hoping they’d solve the one big issue with UTR; that you can lose and still have your rating go up, and you can win and your rating can go down.

But they didn’t.

They just came up with a “better algorithm” where you can still lose a close match and move up, and win a close match and move down.

And even if they did come up with the most accurate algorithm ever invented, and solved that issue, it still doesn’t change anything for players and parents.

The job of the player remains the same. I recently wrote about this in my blog “How to Improve Your UTR .” If they want their ranking or rating or whatever to move up, they need to focus on the things that help them improve the most. If they improve, they’ll win more matches. If they’re not winning enough, they need to improve more. It’s that simple.

The job of the parent remains the same as well. Provide a loving and supporting environment for their child. Work with their coach to create a proper training and tournament schedule. And be the best uber driver in the world to their tennis playing kids!

And finally, the job of the coach remains the same. Get your player better.

So don’t look at WTN. Don’t look at UTR. Don’t look at any type of ranking or rating system. If your child improves enough, and wins enough matches, they’ll accomplish their goals. No World Tennis Number or UTR can help a player accomplish anything if they’re not improving, and losing consistently.


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